Sunday, April 7, 2024

We love a good walk down memory lane and found some great baby photos of our goats. Its kind of amazing it's been 16 years since the first little goats arrived for Mary's 8th birthday. Jelly has been there this whole time, and celebrates her sweet 16th birthday this month. What a good baby goat.
Jelly's first baby CocoPuff came along in 2009, but we lost her in 2023.
Also a favorite is Nubelette our Nubian with much personality. This picture is from a cruise ship market in 2015, where she was dressed as a pirate.
Miss Boo Boo, short for Bozhe Moi, is our other Nubian goat, sleeping at another cruise market in 2013.
And of course Jasper's mom, Wonky, named for a curly horn she later broke, making herself at home in the grain bin in 2014.
And Jelly's final baby in 2017, Misha who is never without a smirk and antics.
How has it been so many years? Its been much fun, thats how.